After going to the gym and eating lunch i decided to test my sugar levels again to check what they were. they were 18.3… it warned me that my levels were over my target range. I then input the amount of carbohydrates i had eaten, i guessed 20 carbs for an apple but who knows really the exact amount?
if my levels were perfect ie 8.0mml and i hadnt been to the gym and i ate an apple that was 20g of carbs i would inject 2 units of insulin as i believe my machine is set up as 1 unit to every 10 grams of carbs.
Due to me going to the gym in the morning i then told my machine that i had done exercise which has been set up to minus 10% of insulin, due to the risk of a delayed sugar level drop later in the day, which normally happens. Even the morning after i can have low sugar levels as an on set from exercise the day before. It then told me to give myself 2 units of insulin. It calculates this by my body’s sensitivity to how many units of insulin bring my sugar levels down by what, and how long it takes my body to react to the given insulin. I’m pretty sure its all just an estimate. my life is one big guessing game. In my performance i want the audience to understand not just how i test my sugar levels and control them but mainly why. what happens if i don’t test and don’t inject?